Thursday, October 30, 2008

2 AM phone call

It doesn't matter who you are when the phone rings at 2 AM it is never good. This morning the lady that I take care of got a phone call and it woke me up, the first thing I did was look at the clock. 2 AM Seriously!!! So I got up and went downstairs to see what has happened because phone calls at 2 AM are never good. Here what has happened is her son in law couldn't wake up her daughter so he called 911 and they were taking her to the hospital. So for the last hour and a half I've been trying to get the lady I take care of ready so that another daughter could take her to the hospital. My mind has been going round and round praying that Ginny will be ok. Sometimes the worst thing with a call this early is it is very hard to get back to sleep.
I think that God sometimes gives us a " 2 AM phone call" and instead of answering it we continue to "sleep" because we are afraid that it is bad news that He is trying to tell us. But ya know I don't think that all 2 AM calls are bad, when my cousin Zack and his wife Amanda were having Skylar I think it was around 2 AM when she called her mom to say that Skylar was coming. But there is no way for us to know whether it is "good" or "bad" news unless we are willing to pick up the phone. So I am going to take this awake time and call God because He is always willing to answer a 4 AM call from me.

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